basic lesion of the skin
lesions of the skin may be primary or secondary 1- primary lesions as these are the original lesions of the skin diseases as 1- macule a cicumscribed alteration in the colour or texture of the skin less than 1cm in diameter 2- patch a macule larger than 1 m in diameter 3- papule a circumscribed palpable elevation less than .5 cm in diameter 4- nodule a solid mass in the skin similar to the papule but more than .5 cm in diameter 5- plaque an elevated area of skin 2 cm or more in diameter 6- vesicle or blister a fluid filled lesion less than .5 cm in diameter 7- bulla a fluid filled lesion larger than .5 cm in diameter 8- pustule small elevation of the skin similar to the vesicle but containing purulent material 9- wheal or weal evanescent edematous elevations of the skin of varios sizes it is characteristic lesion of urticaria 10- comedo or blackhead a plug of keratin and sebum in a dilated pilosebaceous orifice is characteristic lesion in acne vulgaris 11- burrow a small tunnel in the skin ,livear ,s shaped 3-5 mm in length and found in patient with scabies 2- secondary lesions these have developed from modification of primary lesions by regression ,infection ,or trauma as 1- scales dry or
greasy laminated masses of keratin may be primary in some disease as psoriasis or secondary as in scarlet fever 2- crusts consist of dried serum and other exudate 3- erosion a loss of epidermis which heals without scarring 4- ulcer complete loss of epidermis and dermis which heals with scarring 5- fissure a linear gap or slit in the skin surface 6- excoriations or scratch marks loss of skin substance caused by scratching with fingernails to relieve itching 7- lichenification a pattern of cutaneous
lesions of the skin may be primary or secondary 1- primary lesions as these are the original lesions of the skin diseases as 1- macule a cicumscribed alteration in the colour or texture of the skin less than 1cm in diameter 2- patch a macule larger than 1 m in diameter 3- papule a circumscribed palpable elevation less than .5 cm in diameter 4- nodule a solid mass in the skin similar to the papule but more than .5 cm in diameter 5- plaque an elevated area of skin 2 cm or more in diameter 6- vesicle or blister a fluid filled lesion less than .5 cm in diameter 7- bulla a fluid filled lesion larger than .5 cm in diameter 8- pustule small elevation of the skin similar to the vesicle but containing purulent material 9- wheal or weal evanescent edematous elevations of the skin of varios sizes it is characteristic lesion of urticaria 10- comedo or blackhead a plug of keratin and sebum in a dilated pilosebaceous orifice is characteristic lesion in acne vulgaris 11- burrow a small tunnel in the skin ,livear ,s shaped 3-5 mm in length and found in patient with scabies 2- secondary lesions these have developed from modification of primary lesions by regression ,infection ,or trauma as 1- scales dry or
greasy laminated masses of keratin may be primary in some disease as psoriasis or secondary as in scarlet fever 2- crusts consist of dried serum and other exudate 3- erosion a loss of epidermis which heals without scarring 4- ulcer complete loss of epidermis and dermis which heals with scarring 5- fissure a linear gap or slit in the skin surface 6- excoriations or scratch marks loss of skin substance caused by scratching with fingernails to relieve itching 7- lichenification a pattern of cutaneous
response to repeated rubbing or scratching and characterized clinically by thickened skin with accentuation of the surface markings what are common dermatopathology terms ?1- hyerpkeratosis increase thickness of the horny layer 2- parakeratosis retention of the cell nuclei in the horny layer due to immature keratinization3- spongiosis intercellular edema of the epidermis 4- acanthosis increased thickness of prickle cell layer 5- acantholysis loss of cohesion between keratinocytes due to rupture of the intercellular bridge
tags: skin,basic,lesion
tags: skin,basic,lesion
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