Pig or swine influenza causes types diagnosis and treatment

Pig or swine influenza causes types diagnosis and treatment
Pig or swine influenza it is a viral infection which affect human and can produce mild to severe disease and the disease is transmitted from people to other people
Transmission of virus from pigs to human is not common and rare to causes human flu
Pig or swine influenza also known as 2009 virus which caused by influenza A serotype  H1N1
HA means haemagglutinin and NA means neuraminidase which they are the viral proteins that determine the subtype of influenza virus for example A|H1N1 and H3N2 v
The HA and NA are important in the immune response against virus antibodies the NA protein is the target of the antiviral drugs such as relenza and tamiflu
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Carcinoma of thyroid gland types causes diagnosis and treatment

Carcinoma of thyroid gland types causes diagnosis and treatment


Thyroid gland is that gland which present in front of the neck which has two lobes one on each side connected together by an isthmus taken butter fly appearance
Thyroid gland is responsible for release of thyroid hormones such as tri-iodothyronine T3 tetra-iodiothyronine T4 and thyroid stimulating hormones TSH ,these hormones are responsible for the process of metabolism in the body if there is any disorders affect the release of these hormones are associated with diseases either in the form of increased secretion of thyroid hormones causing hyperthyroidism or decreased secretion of thyroid hormones causing hypothyroidism 
Thyroid cancer is a malignant tumor or neoplasm which arise from either follicular or parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland it is uncommon cancer which affect women more than men ,there are several types of thyroid cancer and different methods of treatment
What are the causes of cancer thyroid
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