most of gastric cancer detected in the UK are advanced adenocarcinoma with an appalling overall 5- year survival rate 5-10%. in comparison , in japan , where the disease is commonest over 30%of all gastric cancers are detected early and overall 5- year survival rates exceed 50%.
demography : the incidence of gastric cancer has fallen dramatically in the western world over the past 30 years gastric cancer is twice as common in males peaks incidence between 55 and 65 years is associated with blood group A and Helicobacter pylori and occurs more frequently amongst the lower social classes . there is a genetic link as stomach cancer run in families but environmental factors such as diet and methods of food preservation are also important
Types of gastric cancer
It can be divided into intestinal and diffuse type these are recent classification . the intestinal type matches geographical area of increased incidence and is usually accompanied by an area of chronic gastritis . the diffuse type bears no such relationship