Tongue cancer causes diagnosis and treatment

 Tongue cancer causes diagnosis and treatment


The tongue is a muscular structure its surface covered by nonkeratinizing squamous epithelium the tongue has two parts anterior part which include anterior two third of the tongue such as both sides of the tongue and its tip its called oral part or oral tongue which appear when you protruded your tongue outside, cancers occur in this part are called mouth or oral cancers and the second part is the posterior part or base of the tongue which is related to the pharynx and cancers occur in this part are called oropharyngeal cancers
The tongue is composed of eight muscles four intrinsic and four extrinsic muscles and is separated at the midline by the median fibrous lingual septum
What are the causes of cancer tongue
There are many risk factors which may predisposing for tongue cancer these factors such as
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Explaining cancer prevention

Explaining cancer prevention

Is there any methods to prevent cancer formation

Cancer can be prevent to be formed by many methods which if done well can give good results these methods can be divided into three main types such as prevention of the cancer formation from the starts by primary cancer prevention or prevention cancer formation in people have high risk of cancer formation by secondary cancer prevention or prevention of cancer formation after cancer removal from primary site known by tertiary cancer prevention such as
 Cancer prevention can be divided into three stages

primary cancer prevention (i.e., pre­venting initial cancers in healthy individuals by means prevention cancer formation from the start in normal healthy people
  secondary cancer pre­vention (i.e., preventing cancer in individuals with premalignant conditions
by means prevention cancer formation in people have a premalignant diseases such as familial polpyposis or leukoplakia familial breast cancer
 tertiary cancer prevention (i.e., preventing second pri­mary cancers in patients cured of their initial disease by means prevention of recurrent cancer formation in people have previously cancer
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Cancer esophagus upper lower middle thirds

Cancer esophagus upper lower middle thirds


Cancer esophagus is cancer or malignant tumor which arise in the esophagus which its muscular tubular structure extended from the throat or pharynx above to the stomach or cardia of the stomach below and responsible for carrying the food and drinking through its length to reach the stomach
The esophagus can be divided into three parts upper third ,middle third and lower third each about 9 cm
also esophagus can be divided according to its location into three parts cervical part which present in the neck and it is about 5 cm and thoracic part which lies within the chest cavity and it is about 20 cm and abdominal part which lies within the abdominal cavity and it is about 2 cm
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Explaining how varicose veins treated

Explaining how varicose veins treated

Varicose veins treatment depend on many factors such as its either associated with complications or problems or no its symptomatic such as there is pain skin pigmentation skin venous ulcer or no is the patient complaining from it or no and also depend on the age of the patient and patient is fit for operation or patient refuse the operation or no most varicose veins usually not required treatment other reason may for cosmetic
Treatment of varicose veins can be divided into the following items
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Explaining varicose veins

Explaining varicose veins

Definition and introduction of the venous system

Varicose vein means dilated tortuous or twisting and elongated veins which are common medical problem in the general populations

The venous system are a dynamic and complex system which responsible for carrying deoxgynated blood from all parts of the body through the veins to the heart this occur against the gravity in upright individual
 the venous blood flow depend on multiple factors such as gravity valves of the veins the heart and respiratory cycles blood volume and the calf muscle pump any changes in the balance of these factors can result in venous pathology such as varicose veins

 Explaining varicose veins
Varicose veins
veins are thin walled highly distensible and collapsible structures which transport the blood towards the heart in one direction when the person is upright and standing the veins are maximally distended and their diameters may be several times greater than if the person was in a horizontal position

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Treatment of pain

Treatment of pain

The treatment of the pain depend on the causes of the pain and also on types of the pain either acute or chronic pain

Drugs used in treatment of the pain

These drugs can be classified into three steps used as analgesic ladder means used first mild drugs effects to moderate and potent analgesic
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Pain causes types and treatment

Pain causes types and treatment

Definition of pain

Someone feels an unpleasant sensation and bad emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage , pain is considered as protective mechanism

Pain is also considered a good sign because it give us attention to the site of the disease which pain arise from it so it can be deal with it to make investigations and treatment that disease causing pain but sometimes the site of the pain not always indicated affection of the subjacent organ

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