Precancerous or malignant skin diseases

Precancerous or malignant skin diseases


Precancerous or premalignant skin diseases there are some skin condition in which under certain circumstances can be changed or transformed into skin cancer such as squamous cell carcinoma , basal cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma if they left without any treatment
These skin condition include the following
  • Keratocanthoma
  • Bowen,s disease
  • Solar or senile keratosis
  •  Chronic radiodermatitis
  • Xeroderma pigmentosa
  • Carcinogens agents
  • Leukoplakia
  • Chronic scars Marjolin,s ulcer
  • Lupus vulgaris or Tuberculosis of skin T.B of skin
  • Moles or naevi
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Malignant melanoma and Amelonatic

Malignant melanoma and Amelonatic


Malignant melanoma it is a type from skin cancer which arise from epidermal skin layer  from melanocyte cells or pigment cells which responsible for release of melanin pigment which give the skin it is colour malignant melanoma can arise in any part in the body which containing melanocyte cells such as in the skin of the head and neck, trunk , lower and upper limbs
 There are special site of malignant melanoma  which can be arise such as mucosal as mucous membrane of the nose or the mouth( sublingual), eye as conjunctiva , choroid and pigmented layer of the retina and genitalia
 Also there are hidden area of malignant melanoma which can be found such as pia and arachnoid matter which they are  the layer of brain covering and adrenal medulla
 Malignant melanoma it is the most aggressive type of skin cancer which it is more common in Caucasian than black
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Epithelioma or squamous cell carcinoma

Epithelioma or squamous cell carcinoma


Epithelioma or squamous cell carcinoma it is a malignant tumor or neoplasm which arise from squamous cell layer of the epidermis of the skin  so epithelioma it is a type from skin cancer
Skin cancer can be divided into main types non melanoma skin cancer type which include squamous cell carcinoma SCC and basal cell carcinoma BCC  and melanoma skin cancer type which include malignant melanoma

What are the causes of squamous cell carcinoma
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Skin cancer types diagnosis and treatment

Skin cancer types diagnosis and treatment


Skin cancer means malignant tumor or neoplasm which arise from the layers of the skin which divided into outer epidermis layer which contains basal cell layer that contains dendritic pigment producing cells called melanocyte , squamous cell layer ,granular cell layer and horny cell layer and  dermis layer and subcutanous layer the skin cancer either arise from the basal cell layer and called basal cell carcinoma or from the squamous cell layer and called squamous cell layer those types are called non melanoma skin cancer or from melanocyte cell layer and called malignant melanoma this type is called melanoma skin cancer

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Basal cell carcinoma or rodent ulcer

Basal cell carcinoma or rodent ulcer
Basal cell carcinoma BCC is a malignant tumor or neoplasm which arise from the basal cell layer of the skin and is considered most common type of skin cancer which also known as rodent ulcer
It is locally malignant tumor that so it is never or very rare to spread or metastasize to other blood or lymph nodes or  organs and it is slowly growing which may take years it also called non melanoma skin cancer together with squamous cell carcinoma but malignant melanoma are called melanoma skin cancer
What are the site of basal cell carcinoma

BCC can be arise from any part of the skin including the anal margin but about 90% occur on the face above a line joining the angle of the mouth to the external auditory meatus or to the lobule of the ear (seborrheic area) they are especially common around the eye nasolabial folds and hairline of the scalp

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