Common primary malignant bone tumours

Are osteosarcoma , chondrosarcoma , Ewing,s sarcoma , adamantinoma , malignant fibrous histocytoma , lymphoma , myeloma

Osteosarcoma: second commonest primary malignant bone tumour, aggressive and metastasising, affecting the young

Chondrosarcoma: third commonest primary malignant bone tumour

Ewing's sarcoma: second commonest primary bone tumour in children

Adamantinoma: very rare

Malignant fibrous histiocytoma: lytic lesion needing wide resection

lymphoma: primary skeletal lymphoma is usually non-Hodgkin's. Treated by radiotherapy and chemotherapy­

Myeloma: commonest primary malignant bone tumour


Epidemiology: second commonest primary malignant bone tumour Bi-modal distribution
• 75% of cases in people aged 10-25
• Second smaller peak in incidence in elderly people most of whom have Paget's disease
Aetiology: 90% idiopathic. Found in the young before epiphyseal closure. 10% secondary to underlying bone disorder (eg Paget's).Genetic basis: surviving retinoblas­toma patients have a 500-fold risk of developing osteosarcoma

Site: most arise in medullary cavity in metaphyseal ends of long bones. Distal femur ,proximal tibia ,proximal humerus
 proximal femur pelvis

Pathology: histology reveals malignant osteoblasts producing osteoid. Metastasis and skip lesions are common

Presentation: painful, enlarging mass. Aggressive tumours mostly with extensive blood­ borne metastaseson diagnosis. 20% have pulmonary metastases on presentation

Imaging: lytic or sclerotic. Extends through cortex and periosteum forming bulky mass. A triangular shadow is seen between the cortex and raised periosteum (Codman's triangle). Seldom penetrates epiphyseal plate or invades into the joint.

Spiral CT shows pulmonary metastasis in 20% of patients at presentation

Treatment: advances in combination chemotherapy and limb-sparing surgery significantly improved survival. Resection of pulmonary metastasis is now common practice. 5-year survival rate is 75%. Prognosis is better in young adults, and in those with more distally located tumours
. Multi-focal osteosarcomas and those with a back
ground of Paget'sdisease have poor prognosis


Epidemiology: third commonest primary malignant bone tumour

Affects middle-aged and elderly patients

Aetiology: occurs de novo or as a result of malignant transformation of a previously benign cartilage tumour (eg enchondromas in Ollier's or Maffucci's syndrome

Site: within the medulla of bone (central) or on bone surface (juxtacortical). Commonly pelvis, ribs, proximal humerus and proximal femur

Pathology: grading determined by examining cellularity, degree of cytological atypia and mitotic activity. Most are slow growing and are of low to intermediate grade . Seldom metastasise but pulmonary metastasesare most common

Presentation: pain or pathological fracture

Imaging: prominent endosteal scalloping and cortical thickening. Destruction with bone expansion

Treatment: wide surgical resection and limb salvage or amputation. Resection of pulmonary metastasis appropriate in some patients. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy not shown to be effective

Outcome: determined by the grade of the tumour. 5-year survival rates:

• Grade 1: 90%

• Grade 2: 81%

• Grade 3: 43%

Ewing's sarcoma

Epidemiology: 2nd commonest primary bone tumour in children. 4th commonest overall. Peak incidence in 20 years

Site: Diaphysis of long tubular bones especially femur and flat bones of the pelvis

Pathology: small round cells of unknown origin. 85% have characteristic chromosomal translocation between chromosomes 11 and 22

Presentation: pain. Enlarging mass. Sometimes associated systemic upset

Imaging: lytic lesions with permeative margins give (moth-eaten ) appearance (ie wide zone of transition). Characteristic periosteal reaction produces layers of reactive bone deposited with (onion skin) pattern

Treatment: en bloc resection and chemotherapy Significantly improve 5-year survival rate to 75%

Primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET

• Essentially identical to Ewing's sarcoma in all respects except it shows more neural differentiation. Ewing's and PNET may represent different stages of differentiation of a single tumour


Very rare age 20-30 years but may occur at any age

Site :90% in tibia

Pathology: lobulated lesion mixed of fibrous and epithelial stroma

Presentation: pain and swelling slowly growing tumour history of preceding tumour are common

Imaging: lobulated lytic area with surrounding sclerotic bone

Treatment: wide resection and reconstruction or amputation


Affects any age

Site :femur humerus or vertebrae

Pathology: multiple small round cells is usually non hodgkin,s lymphoma

Presentation: pain or soft tissue swelling

Imaging; moth-eaten lytic or sclerotic lesion

Treatment: radiotherapy and chemotherapy

Malignant fibrous histiocytoma

Epidemiology: affects any age

Site: metadiaphysis of long bones

Pathology: consists of spindle cells, histiocyte-type cells probably derived from fibrob­lasts and giant cells. Pulmonary metastases in 30% of cases

Presentation: pain and swelling

Imaging: lytic lesion with permeative bone destruction (wide zone of transition). Cortical destruction and minimal periosteal reaction

Treatment: wide resection. 5-year survival is 30-60%


Common bone tumour age more than 50 years

Site :any bone can be affected

Pathology :monoclonal proliferation of plasma cell B cell producing monoclonal antibody plasma electrophoresis and urine analysis for Bence-Jones protein are useful bone marrow biopsy is diagnostic

Presentation :fatigue pain and weakness

Imaging :lytic lesion with little or no reactive sclerosis typical punched out lesions

Treatment :surgery to treat or to prevent pathological fractures radiotherapy to relieve the pain chemotherapy to suppress the disease bone marrow transplant to provide cure of the disease

for more details see here

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