Is common and often unrecognized it mean excess hair growth from androgen stimulation in female in abnormal sites like chine similar to men
More severe form of hirsutism with accompanying clitoromegaly enlarged of clitores
male type pubic hair
temporal balding
deepening voice
Androgens are derived from ovary and adrenal gland
adrenal gland seceetes dehydroepiandrosterone DHA),dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate(DHAS) ,testosterone
Ovary secretes androstenendione DHA,testosterone
DHA,dehydroepiandrosterone and androstesneddione , converted peripherally to testosterone
Androgens circulate bound to proteins including sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG
Hirsutism results from elevated level of free androgen
may result from increased production exogenous administration decreased metabolism or decreased SHBG
As in pregnancy which result in androgen excess.luteoma
solid ovarian enlargement .hyperreactio luteinalis :bilateral ovarian cysts both resolve after pregnancy
Idiopathic hirsutism which elevated activity of 5 alpha -reductase which converts peripheral testosterone to the more active dihyrotestoterone
Ovary as in polycystic ovary syndrome hyperthecosis :severe from of polycystic ovary syndrome with high levels of testosterone. ovarian tumors :sertoli - leydig tumors hilus cell tumors
Adrenal as in congenital adrenal hyperplasia:deficiency of 21-hydroxylase 11beta-hydroxylase or 3 beta -hydroysreroid dehydrogenase most present during childhood late onset 21-hydroxylase deficieny may escape detection untill adulthood diagnosis by elevated 17-hydroxyprogesterone
Cushing,s syndrome :excess glucocorticoid production which diagnosis by dexamethasone suppression test physical findings as buffalo hump truncal obesity striae HTN adrenal tumor rare
More severe form of hirsutism with accompanying clitoromegaly enlarged of clitores
male type pubic hair
temporal balding
deepening voice
Androgens are derived from ovary and adrenal gland
adrenal gland seceetes dehydroepiandrosterone DHA),dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate(DHAS) ,testosterone
Ovary secretes androstenendione DHA,testosterone
DHA,dehydroepiandrosterone and androstesneddione , converted peripherally to testosterone
Androgens circulate bound to proteins including sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG
Hirsutism results from elevated level of free androgen
may result from increased production exogenous administration decreased metabolism or decreased SHBG
As in pregnancy which result in androgen excess.luteoma
solid ovarian enlargement .hyperreactio luteinalis :bilateral ovarian cysts both resolve after pregnancy
Idiopathic hirsutism which elevated activity of 5 alpha -reductase which converts peripheral testosterone to the more active dihyrotestoterone
Ovary as in polycystic ovary syndrome hyperthecosis :severe from of polycystic ovary syndrome with high levels of testosterone. ovarian tumors :sertoli - leydig tumors hilus cell tumors
Adrenal as in congenital adrenal hyperplasia:deficiency of 21-hydroxylase 11beta-hydroxylase or 3 beta -hydroysreroid dehydrogenase most present during childhood late onset 21-hydroxylase deficieny may escape detection untill adulthood diagnosis by elevated 17-hydroxyprogesterone
Cushing,s syndrome :excess glucocorticoid production which diagnosis by dexamethasone suppression test physical findings as buffalo hump truncal obesity striae HTN adrenal tumor rare
Miscellaneous as exogenous administration and abnormal gonad and sexual development
Physical examination as pattern and distribution of hair growth onset of symptoms as rapid onset increases likelihood of malignancy
Signs of virilization as clitoromegaly ,balding deepened voice and pelvic examination may reveals adnexal mass
Testosterone if more than 200ng|dl need for pelvic ultrasound to rule out ovarian tumor if less than200ng|dl this mean decreased likelihood of neoplasm
DHA if more than 700 ug|dl need MRI or CT to rule out adrenal neoplasm if from 500-700 ug|dl mean 17-OHP (17-HYDROXYPROGESTERONE )to rule out late onset CAH(congenital adrenal hyperplasia if less than 500 ug|dl mean empiric treatment
17- OHP if more than 8ng|dl means late onset CAH if from 2.5-8 ng|dl means ACTH stimulation test to rule out late onset CAH
ACTH(corticotropin stimulation test ) if 17-OHP increase more than 10 ng |dl means late onset CAH if less than 10 ng|dl late onset CAH ruled out
Low dose dexamethasone suppression test if cortisol more than mg|dl means high dose dexamethasone suppression test required to diagnosis cushing,s syndrome if less than 5 ug|dl cushing,s syndrome ruled out
What are the treatment of hirsutism
Oral contracptive pills considers drug of choice as progestins , depomedroxy-progeterone acetate or medroxyprogesterone
Spironolactone from 100-200 mg qd which blocks androgen receptor suppresses production
glucocorticoids like dexamethasone .5 mg qd prednisone qb
GnRH agonists but expensive like leuprolide )lupron)3.75 mg imq month
Flutamide 250 mgqd androgen receptor antagonist Finasteride 5 mg qd 5 alpha - reductase inhibitor
Ketoconazole 400 mg qd inhibits androgen synthesis
Cimetidine 300 mg qd
Eflornithine hydrochloride apply bid to facial which inhibits
Lomithine decarboxylase FDA approved only for facial hair side effects skin stinging
Immediate hair removal :electrolysis depilatory cream
Ketoconazole 400 mg qd inhibits androgen synthesis
Cimetidine 300 mg qd
Eflornithine hydrochloride apply bid to facial which inhibits
Lomithine decarboxylase FDA approved only for facial hair side effects skin stinging
Immediate hair removal :electrolysis depilatory cream
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