What Are Real Secondary Bone Cancer Metastasis

In This Article You Will Known Real Secondary bone cancer or metastatic bone cancer means cancer or it is cells that are spread to the bone from other part of body cancer secondary bone cancer are more common than the primary bone cancer real secondary bone cancer are second causes of pathological bone fractures after osteoporosis
what are the common organs give real secondary or metastatic bone cancer
any cancer in the body can spread to the bone but in adults most common organ are those that arise from the paired midline organs 
What Are Real Secondary Bone Cancer Metastasis:
  • Prostate cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • thyroid cancer
  • Multiple myeloma
What Are Real Secondary Bone Cancer Metastasis
In children there are two main cancers which can spread to the bone they are
  • Neuroblastoma
  •  wilms tumor or nephroblastomSecondary bone cancer usually are multifocal but thyroid and kidney cancer tend to produce solitary or single lesions, Secondary bone cancer has three form either bone destruction like osteoclast bone cell called (lytic lesion) seen in breast ,lung multiple myeloma, kidney and thyroid cancers or  bone formation  like osteoblast bone cell called blastic or (sclerotic lesion )  seen in prostate and breast cancers or mixed form both types seen in breast and lung cancers
    What Are Real Secondary Bone Cancer Metastasis
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What Are Brain Tumors Functioning

In This Article You Will Discover What Are Brain Tumors Functioning Brain Tumors can be Classified into either benign brain tumors or malignant brain tumors, almost all brain tumors are malignant in the sense that they may lead eventually to death if not treated. Brain tumors are responsible for 2% of all cancer deaths. The annual incidence of newly diagnosed brain tumors in the USA is approximately 18per 100000 persons,of which 30% are primary. In children, tumors of the CNS constitute 20% of all childhood malignancies.There is a peak at 2 years followed by a decline for the rest of the first decade.The incidence then slowly increases, peaking at 20 per 100000 in late adulthood.
 What Are Brain Tumors Functioning
The classification of brain tumors or types of brain tumours is determined by their cell of origin. Over 50% are neuroepithelial in origin, 15% metastatic, 15% meningiomas and 8% pituitary tumors. The World Health Organization WHO classification of brain tumors is
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